劉英:中央編譯Dollarization,Capital Flight,and the Decline of Output in Russia XIE Zuo-shiCapital flight will decrease the output of capital-intensive product and labor-intensive product,and what's more,it will make the decrease of capital-intensive product more serious than that of labor-intensive product.Capital flight will also lower the proportion of capital-intensive industry under an equilibrium state,and intensify the industrial stock adjustment in countries at the early stage of transition.The industrial structure adjustment during this period is nothing but to lower the proportion of heavy industry in economy.However,due to the high capital intensiveness and special function of assets,the stock adjustment of heavy industry will result in a high sunk cost,which in turn will further worsen the economic performance.趙衛東 南開大學跨國公司研究中 作者:國際經濟合作京39~44F8世界經濟導刊趙衛20042004原蘇聯早在20世紀70年代就提出轉變經濟增長方式,即由粗放型向集約型轉變。但由于忽視了經濟體制因素,所以未取得預期成效。俄羅斯向市場經濟轉軌后,由于市場體系的不完善,市場功能未能有效發揮,所以仍未改變粗放式經濟增長方式。市場經濟體制是生成集約型經濟增長方式的必要條件,但并不是惟一的條件。俄羅斯/經濟增長方式/經濟體制基金項目:國家社會科學基金項目(重點項目),項目批準號:02AJJL006。祝東力