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  這幅畫涉及的表達內容非常常見,無非是彈鋼琴,心不在焉,踢足球,家長教育孩子等等,但要將話說活就不那么容易。所謂說話,是指除了運用最基本的詞匯和短語,如to play the piano,absent-minded,to play football,to educate the boy之外,還要通過其他的手段,如擴展和聯想,詞與詞、詞組與詞組和句子與句子之間的習慣組合等等,使所說的連貫、圓潤、自然。
   Description of the Little Boy
  1.A little boy is playing the piano.
  2.But his mind is a million miles away.
  3.There is an unhappy expression on his face.
  4.He is looking hard at the sheet music to try to play the music.
  5.He doesn't seem to enjoy what he is doing.
  6.There is little thought bubble above his head.
  7.It indicates that he is thinking about playing football.
  8.He would rather be out of the house playing football.
  9.Now he will only do what is necessary to satisfy his mother and no more.
  第一句A little boy is playing the piano.是最簡單、最概括、但又是最籠統的說法。畫面上的男孩正看著鋼琴上的樂譜(sheet music),顯然他是在一邊讀譜(read the music),一邊練習,因而我們可以將這句話說得更具體一點:
  A little boy is playing the piano while he is reading the music.
  A poor little boy is reading the sheet music while playing the piano.
  The little boy in the picture is looking hard at the sheet music to try to play the music.
  第二句But his mind is a million miles away.是一句夸張的說法,表示他心不在焉、心思全然不在彈鋼琴上。要表示這個意思,我們還可以說:
  His heart is not in it.
  His mind is distracted.
  His mind is not in playing the piano.
  第五句He doesn't seem to enjoy what he is doing.表示他對彈鋼琴沒有興趣。與這句意義相近的句子還有:
  He is not pleased about what he is doing.
  He doesn't get any pleasure out of it.
  He doesn't derive any pleasure from playing the plano.
  His mind is on the football game that he could be playing.
  He is thinking about playing football while playing the piano.
   Description of the Woman
  1.A lady wearing an apron is standing behind the boy.
  2.She is wearing an apron with a big pocket on the front of it.
  3.Her apron has a ruffle on it and her pants are plaid.
  4.She is concentrating very hard on what he is doing.
  5.Her left hand is resting on her waist.
  6.She is directing him and she is keeping the beat with her finger.
  7.She is making sure that he keeps an even beat.
  8.She looks very serious.
  第二句She is wearing an apron with a big pocket on the front of it.描繪其裝束,再進一步地描繪得更細致一點,我們可以說:
  The woman wears a short-sleeved top.
  She wears a pair of white-checked slacks.
  I guess she must be his mother.
  She is not his piano instructor because she is wearing an apron.
  She must have been cooking in the kitchen.
  But she is taking time from cooking to supervise him.
  She looks like she is supervising him very carefully,stopping him whem he makes a mistake.
   Comment on the Little Boy
  1.The boy is obviously very unhappy.
  2.He is being forced by his mother to practice playing the piano.
  3.He is not at all interested in what he is doing.
  4.His hands are following his mother,but his brain is not following too much.
  5.His mind is not on his music.
  6.He is distracted by the thought of what he would rather bedoing instead of concentrating on improving his piano skills.
  7.If his desire were to improve his piano skills,then he would be more focused on doing it,and would do much better.
  8.I think he should be let out to play football.
  The boy is not at all interested in what he is doing.
  He'd rather be out of the house playing football.
  If he is interested in playing the piano,he will automatically want to do it.
  And he will have a driving force to try to do better and better.
  If he doesn't care,then he will not concentrate.
  And he will only do what is necessary to satisfy his motherand no more.
  If he is interested in playing the piano,he will automatically want to do it.(自覺)
  he will do it on his own without being prompted to do so.(不需要別人督促)
  he will happily do so without being pressed by others.(勿需別人強迫)
  If he does not care,then he will not concentrate.(思想不集中)
  have his heart in it.(心思不在上面)
  be interested in doing it.(不感興趣)
  put his mind to it.(心不在焉)
  The boy doesn't realize right now that there are many thingsthat he should be forced to do.
  Also,when you first begin to learn something,it is very difficult;it is always better to just stick to it.
  Perhaps as he tries to play the piano,he makes many,many mistakes.
  And these mistakes make him less motivated to do it.
  They discourage him and make him think that he is a poor piano player.
   Comment on the Woman
  1.The boy's mother must have been musically educated.
  2.She must be a very strict mother and a responsible housewife.
  3.She understands that children should be forced to do something sometimes.
  4.Probably she believes that learning something difficult atan early age will be good for children.
  5.But she must try to find a happy medium.
  第一句The boy's mother must have been musically educated.是說這位母親頗有音樂修養。她之所以這樣做,是因為她深知:學習鋼琴對于孩子的好處不僅僅在于學習音樂本身,更重要的是讓孩子在大量反復和枯燥的機械練習過程中,培養一種嚴肅認真的人生態度。
  She wants to expose him to music,teach him about music and try to interest him in music.
  Playing the piano will teach him coordination,and this is a very good training for children.
  Through playing the piano,the boy will learn discipline,and learn to continue at an activity,even if it is very difficult,until it gets easier.
  第三句She understands that children should be forced to do something sometimes.的句意是:她知道,有時應該逼著孩子去做一些事情。
  Parents often have a better understanding of what is best for their children.
  If a boy has a total control over everything he will do in his life,then he will probably not even go to school,and perhaps won't study anything.
  Maybe all he will do is play football all day long,and this would not be good for him.
  And therefore,it is important that his mother should instruct him and direct him towards things that he does not enjoy doing now,but that will be good for him in the long run.
  第五句But she must try to find a happy medium.的句意是:但她應該找到一種孩子樂于接受的方法。
  Parents should rather use persuasion than force to get a child interested in taking up a hobby.
  Well-meaning parents ought to know how to arouse their children's interest.
  If they don't know how to go about it,the result will likely be the very opposite.
  It's not easy for parents to know how to be kind and effective.
   Sample 1
  Here we have a somewhat unusual situation:a young boy is being forced to practice piano by his mother.As he practices,his mind is not on the music but on the football game that he could be playing.It is very common for boys not to like takingpiano lessons;it is mostly girls who take piano lessons.Many times mothers will force their sons to take piano lessons because it has been shown that young students who take piano lessons usually do better in other aspects of their studies such as language,science,history,and so on.Even if students don't enjoy their piano lessons,learning to play the piano teaches them discipline,which helps them in other school subjects.
   Sample 2
  In this picthre,there is a boy playing the piano while a woman watches him closely.I think she is the boy's mother since she is wearing an apron,which indicates that she is alsodoing housework at the same time.The boy has a frown on his face and he looks quite unhappy.He is thinking about playing football,but has to play the piano because his mother is watching him.He doesn't enjoy practicing the piano,but his mother knows that he should learn to be more disciplined and practice every day at something so that he can become very skilled at it.The mother knows that if the boy only practices what he likes to do,he will never learn discipline.Since discipline and hard work are very important to succeeding in life.the boy should learn at this age how to be dedicated to something even if he doesn't like it.
英語自學滬G381中學外語教與學賀云20022002A Piano Boy 作者:英語自學滬G381中學外語教與學賀云20022002

網載 2013-09-10 21:44:06

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