在英語教學中,我們重視課堂用語,但是忽視作業評語。翻開學生的作業本,看到的多是簡單的對、錯符號或分數或等級。幾乎沒有評語,至多是千篇一律的All right,OK或Good。許多英語教師改進教學,把大量的時間用于備課、課堂教學、作業的布置與批改、測驗考試等,卻想不到花點時間用在學生的作業評語上。作業評語是英語教學中的一個重要環節,有其自身的特點和功能。我認為,作業評語的重要性會隨著人們對“素質教育”的重視而逐漸被認識。
Good! Nice! Great! Okay! Lovely! Perfect! Marvelous! Pleasant! Wonderful! Correct! Incorrect! Careless! Unclear! Untidy!
Very nice! Quite correct! Quite OK (Okay)! Neat and tidy!Well -done ! Well-written! Just so- so. Far from correct. Socareless!
A. That's all right! /That's OK. /That's wrong. /That'sincorrect!
B. It is clever of you to do so. /It's nice of you to sayso. /It's careless of you to write this way.
C. You've done so nicely. /You've made such a carelessmistake!
D. What good work you've done! /What a good boy you are! How carefully you've worked! /How nice your work is!
E.Try to do better next time! /See what you've done!/Correct your mistakes., /Don't do that again! /Don't be sosilly, John!
F. I find you've made a lot of progress! /I think you canwork more carefully next time. /I'm sorry you've made so manymistakes in your work.
G. Your handwriting is not so nice as Maggie's. /You'vedone better than last time. /You can do best of all if youtry harder.
H. What do you think of your work? /How did you like yourhandwriting? /Isn't your work lovely? Don't make such acareless mistake again, will you? /Let's try to say correctEnglish, shall we?
A. John, you've done best of all in your class! /You'vemade so much progress!
B. You're doing nicely!
C. Your English will become better if you work harder.
D. Now you can do better than you did before.
E. You used to make a lot of mistakes in grammar, but nowyou do more correctly.
A. You do your work well. /Your work is well done.
B. You have made great progress in English this term./Your English has been greatly improved this term.
A. Your English is excellent.
B. I wish you would work harder. /How I wish you would bemore careful.
C. Pay attention to your spelling. /Keep on and on.
Diana, you alwasy do well in English. But sometimes you are a little careless. You see, what you've done here. You've made such a funny mistake! I think you'll correct it. Try to do your work as carefully as you can.
Great! (Perfect! Wonderful! So nice! ...)
Anna, what a good girl you are! (How nice your work is!You've done so well! Isn't it great...)
Practice makes perfect. (Where there's a will, there's away. Time and tide waits for no man.)還可以是三言兩語的描述或隨感,或是提出幾個帶啟發性的問題。只要能幫助學生提高運用英語的能力,掌握英語知識,激發他們的學習興趣和積極性,無所不可涉及,各種句式都可運用。
Bob, you've made so many mistakes but do better next time.
Billy, I think you can do better if you work a little harder.
Jenny, be a careful girl and you'll make greater progress.
I find you're good at expressing yourself. Avoid makingtoo many mistakes in grammar.
You meant well, but try to make your sentences correct.
Sally, you've made so many mistakes here. Try to correctthem. I like your handwriting very much. Keep on.
It's good to be correct. It's also important to be creative.
Excellent, Diana! You haven't made any mistakes, but try to make your handwriting nicer.
You'd better be more careful! Pay more attention to verbsand their uses!
Work harder and then you'll make much progress!
Your work is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes. ( Try to spell your words correctly. Avoid misspelling!)
A stitch in time saves nine. /Little by little one goes far.
中學生在學習英語的過程中,最大的難題就是動詞及其用法。他們往往混用時態,在敘述的時候更是如此。如:“It's Sunday morning. Father was taking Sandy to a park nearby their home. Suestays at home with mother. She was doing her homework...”
Pay much attention to tenses! ( Don't confuse one tensewith another! If you take your story as a past event, use thePAST TENSE all the way; if you make your story seem to betaking place now, use the PRESENT TENSE. You can't use tensesat random!)
Jenny, you've made some silly mistakes in your homework.A new term begins now. I want you to work harder than last term just from the beginning. Cheer up! A good beginningmakes a good ending.
Mark, you made much progress last term. However, you should work still harder this term. Do you think so?
再如,有些學生在某個語言點上一再犯錯,如“It isn't belongto her.”采用一再劃叉的處理辦法,可能會無濟于事,給以適當的批評和指正效果可能好些。如:
Jack, it's wrong to say "It isn't belong to her. " We say"It doesn't belong to her." "Belong" is a verb, like "go,look, talk..." We say "He doesn't go to school. " Do we say "He isn't go to school"? No, never!
Andy, I wish you great success in the coming examinations.
Sandy, go over your lessons again and pay more attentionto the verbs we've learned this term. Avoid making sillymistakes in your paper.
Tom, make up the homework you've missed. Come to me if you find anything you can't understand.
Tom, I'm sorry to know you've failed in the lastexamination. I hope you won't be too sad. Your classmates and I all want to help you. Remember, failure is the mother ofsuccess. I think you can do better next time.
Janet, you've made some mistakes in your work. I think itvery natural. Don't lose heart. We're all ready to help youcatch up.
Kelly, you don't know how to do these exercises. In fact, they aren't so difficult. The reason is that you didn'tlisten carefully in class!
Merry Christmas! /Happy New year! . /Have a good timeduring the Spring Festival! /Enjoy yourselves in the comingholidays!
Quite right, John.(或You see, you've done so well!)
Excellent! (Wonderful! Perfect! Beautiful! Clever! Good girl!)
Oh, it's so nice a sentence! (What a beautiful sentence!I like this sentence very much. It's very creative. It's full of humour.)
Wrong again! (Oh, so bad! Such a careless boy!)
I'm both sorry and surprised! (或 You've made such amistake again.)
剛接觸某個語法現象,如一般現在時,一部分學生在腦海里還沒有形成明確的概念,做作業時很可能犯一些語法錯誤。對于這些錯誤靠打叉不解決問題,但又不能在作業本上一一解釋。事實上,一時也解釋不清, 我們可以提出勸告或警告以示注意。 比如有這樣一個錯句:“Hehas gone to Japan three times.”在此句旁邊不妨給這樣的評語:
No, we never say so. We say " He has been to..." (或 John, you don't know we Chinese students often make this kind ofmistake!)
有些動詞,比如enjoy的用法也容易出錯:“They enjoy collectstamps.”我們知道enjoy后只接動名詞而不接動詞原型,然而初中學生尚未學到動名詞。對于這樣的句子簡單地劃叉會使學生感到莫名其妙,不如給評語好。
Jenny, it's wrong to say "enjoy do sth." or "enjoy to dosth." We only say" enjoy doing sth." Remember!
中國學生常常漏寫聯系動詞,如:His brother very tall.對于這個錯句我們可以用添加號∨或∧,也可以批上:
Is it a sentence? No, it has no verb in it. Be carefu[1]!這方面的評語也可以與有關的符號一同使用。
1)表面上看起來, 寫作業評語比傳統的作業批改增加教師的負担,而事實上正相反。傳統的作業批改方法是“遇對必鉤(√),有錯必糾(×)”,它既違背語言生成和發展的規律,又有悖于啟發式教學原則,長期以來師生不知為此浪費了多少時間和精力。
2)教師并不一定每次給每個學生的作業寫批語。 作業評語不能過多、過濫,過猶不及。而且每次評語寫多少要因時制宜,貴在堅持。只要每周能給每個學生寫一、兩次恰當的評語就能使他們始終保持清醒的頭腦、強烈的興趣和昂揚的斗志。
中小學外語教學京10~14G38中學外語教學高學棟19981998 作者:中小學外語教學京10~14G38中學外語教學高學棟19981998
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