提要 本文以歷史唯物主義為指導,回顧了解放前后我國對薩特評價的變化,在較全面、扼要評論薩特的小說、劇本的基礎上,著重討論了劇本《骯臟的手》,認為它不是反共劇本而是對我們有所裨益的。鑒于此,我們應當重新評價薩特,并肯定其應有的歷史地位。
關鍵詞 存在主義 薩特 自由選擇 《臟骯的手》
A Reappraisal of Jean-Paul Sartre
the Existentialist Writer
Lin Xuejin
Abstract Guided by historical materialism,this paper presents a critical review of the change in the appraisal of Jean-paul Sartre and his works before and after the foundation of the people's Republic of China, A comprehensive yet brief account is given of Sartre's novels and plays,with emphasis on his play les Mains Sales(1948),viewing it not as an anticommunist work but as something beneficial to our co
汕頭大學學報:人文版001-010,022J4外國文學研究林學錦19951995 作者:汕頭大學學報:人文版001-010,022J4外國文學研究林學錦19951995
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